Tuesday, May 24, 2005

So, Capt. Chapman says

that if it wasn't for the spectators, I wouldn't have even gotten to 15 points.

He is, of course, referring to the ping-pong game we played at 20:02 hours this evening... in which I won 21-16 (or sometin' close to that). Well Capt. Chapman, Zachy says:
  • Spectators are par for the course, even though we're not talking about golf (granted though, B-Ice and the Marv-Diggidy were quite distracting and humorous... "What's that sound again?" : ) ). What strategy do you have for King Pong- not bathing for a week prior to the tournament in hopes of driving away any poor soul with an inkling of desire to watch a game? What poor sportsmanship. : )
Now, for anyone thinking that Capt. Chapman is just talking smack, let it be known that our game, was my third game of the night and his first, and so I did have a slight advantage... but other than that, he is talking trash, and I will take him down-town to Little Saigon come King Pong.

Have a great little evenin' all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have ceased showering and will demolish Zachary with my odoriferous serve...