Saturday, May 21, 2005

Revenge of the Sith

Back from Ep. 3 and I must say, "I'm glad it's over" (at least the hype of it all anyway). As you may have guessed from the 12 words in my previous sentence, I'm not a huge fan of Star Wars- and I'm even less of a fan of spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning light-sabers (more on this later).

Here are some of my low and high points:
  1. I felt that the chemistry between Natalie and Hayden was lacking, and when the relationship of Anakin and Padme was supposed to drive the plot emotionally, the story only moved forward on an intellectual level.
  2. I can only take so much, and comprehend so little, of Yoda flipping, jumping, and spinning in a fight.
  3. Spinning, spinning, spinning, and twirling lightsabers- and I referring to non-combative gestures here. Also, the following sentiments hearken back to Ep. 2 when Obi-wan is finishing off the Acklay in the Genosian arena. Why? It's obviously not necessary. From my limited experience with combative (martial) arts, I have the perception that conservation of energy is key, and I imagine that the Jedi feel the same, so why waste this energy and time flippin' your sword about? Execute the blow, be finished with it, and move on; and in my mind, this is not just use of 'artistic license'.
  4. Some of the cinematography/directing called attention to itself. I thought the opening shot of Anakin and Obi-wan flying through the battle, while important in revealing the location, scope, and magnitude of the action, was a tad on the long side. There was also this low, wide, 'looking-up' shot, maybe of Gen. Grievous, that didn't seem to fit my perceived mold of Star Wars cinematography. Lastly, I found the circuitous pacing during Palpatine's and Anakin's dialogue in the hallway leading to Palpatine's office to be distracting. Mr Lucas, was there no other way to film that scene?
  1. The theater I saw this movie at came equipped with a Storm Trooper and Sith Lord to greet me at the door- the Trooper was the coolest(I remember wanting to be one for Halloween when I was like 8 or 9 yrs old), and I can imagine the time, effort, and money needed to make the costume look as cool as it did!
  2. I really enjoyed Jimmy Smits' performance as Bail Organa. He really exuded sophistication, class, and a noble character; and while I had no pre-conceived notions of what he should have been, I immediately accepted his as the man and father that would raise Leia, and a leader in the Alliance.
  3. Yoda's character animation was magnificent. From the small gesture of running his hand through his wispy white hair, to the more emotionally demanding scenes of dealing with the anniahlation of the Jedi, the animators, leads, and TDs at ILM, and Mr Lucas, did a phenomenal job representing my favorite Jedi. On the subject of CG work, there was also a shot where a clone trooper runs in front of the camera in a zig-zag fashion while firing his rifle in a battle scene that really came across very well (don't know if it was Mo-Cap, or key-frame/IK/FK/what-ever else, but it looked great).
  4. I did enjoy Ewan's and Hayden's portrayal of the relationship between Obi-wan and Anakin, and really felt the bond being stretched through-out the movie, and eventually broken.
Well, there's my take on it. I will definitely buy this movie on DVD and enjoy it with the others.


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