Saturday, June 03, 2006

A Lovely Entry

How are you doing Capt Chapman? It's been a long time, no? I just thought of you when I heard an ad spot on this on-line radio station that plays classical guitar music. The spot had a line which went, "...instead of spending time at that 'Pro Wrestling' blog you seem to be hooked on..." which got me to thinking about Hmmm-bloggy and how I haven't done anything with it lately. Then I thought that I should write something just for old time's sake, but even that didn't feel very compelling. Then I thought, "I wonder if Jason has been dutifully checking it for updates," so now, I'm not writing to my blog, I'm writing to you... though, I just thought to myself, "Wouldn't this make a lovely entry?" I think it would make a great entry!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is Captain Chapman.

This is funny. This is weird. This is like Zach's scraggly beard.

That was stupid. That was dumb. About Zach's extracurriculars I am mum.

Let's grab a beer!