Link to Engadget article regarding digital TV buyout.
Ultimately, a link to this blog, the very blog you're reading right now, should end up here... I think: Link to Engadget Link Tracker
This is my first blog, so I'm not sure where it will lead.
I've also just started (02/21/2006) a new blog containing precious moments from work (Trader Joe's) as observed by me. Precious Moments
Link to Engadget article regarding digital TV buyout.
is to find a coffee shop that:
If this Canaan of cappuccinos, this Vanilla Latte Valhalla really were to exist, it would, of course, need some method of detracting the thronging masses bent only on fulfilling their trumped up image of the poster child for SUV drivers that necessitates a cell phone in one hand and a 24 oz., steaming hot, quadrupuly caffeinated beverage in the other. Here are two possible ideas.
An application process. At the store-front, next to the biometrically authenticating security door, would be a clip board with an application form, like the kind you find at most chain, food stores, that reads at the bottom, "Don't call us, we'll call you... maybe." At the time that an applicant is selected, they are summoned to the store, interviewed, and if approved, their biometric signature is added to the system.
The alternative is an entrance exam that might read something like: "Name the five greatest minds to have shaped our world and why you think you could take them in a bar fight, as a collective."
All this writing has made me thirsty, I'm going to Starbucks.
Hey! Here's something really original!
I'm now the proud owner of five versions of the song, "Dragostea Din Tei" by the Romanian pop, boy-band, "O-Zone." According to my iTunes PlayCount tally, encompassing all five versions, I've listened to this song 141 times.
If you haven't seen Gary's video, follow the above link.
It started out un-simply enough. Pull out all the bins that I packed when I moved from my previous domicile to my present domicile, and take inventory of what I have, what I want to keep, and what I can sell, give away and donate.
This required strewing all the contents of the bins across my room-mates den floor; fortunately he's out of town and won't be back for, let's see... appx 96 hours. I currently have
This process is made all the more difficult because I'm about to enlist in the US Navy, and I don't know when I'll need this stuff again. The more essential items, like my iPod, iShmael, I'm sure I'll be able to have shipped to me once I get settled in at my "A" school. I also have to pack my clothes (which I'll probably have shipped to me with the iPod) with the knowledge that I'll need only certain articles to be readily available between April and June, in Charleston, South Carolina- which I assume might be a little humid, and CTT1 said that the mosquitoes sound like helicopters too (which I hope is only hyperbole) :).
I'll be talking to my recruiters this week and getting answers regarding the shipping of personal effects, my ship date, and the Charleston climate, all of which should definitely help. In the meantime, more packing, pacing, and organizing only to pull everything back out and re-organize.